Cell Guidelines
Selecting your Cell Images
Best practices for selecting and sending in your cell (background) images.
Cell images are the 50 to 200 photos you send to us that will be used as background images to make up the large image. The image sizes of the cell images are not as important as the size of the source image, but we do recommend they are at least 100 dpi. You can send a combination of digital and hard copies. We also highly recommend that we crop your photos.

If you are sending your photos digitally:
You can send digital images taken off a digital camera by uploading them or mailing them to us on a CD or jump drive. Most images taken by a digital camera will work just fine. Please save your images as either a JPG or TIFF.

If you are scanning your own photos:
- Please be sure the resolution on your scanner is set to at least 100 dpi and saved as either a JPG or TIFF.
- Be sure your images are rotated correctly; in other words, they are all arranged in the same direction.
- Upload your scanned images to us or burn your images to a CD and send it to The Mosaic Guy. Only send the images you want us to use in the project. Scanning your own photos will reduce the cost of the project; however, we can scan them for you for .35 cents each.

If you want us to scan your photos:
If your photos are all hard copies and you need to have them scanned, we can scan them for you for .45 cents each. (For 100 photos, that’s only $45.00.) You will get all your photos back unharmed at the end of the project. We keep your photos safe in a waterproof/fireproof safe when they are not being worked on.
Please refer to our FAQ section on how to best send your photos.